There are so many issues we agree on and we need to keep moving forward and fighting for our beliefs and for the greater good of Lake County’s future.

Lower your Property Taxes
An independent reformer and taxpayer advocate, Altenberg supported the County Board’s decision to freeze levies for 2023. She won’t stop there as she fights for tax relief and a top-down review to reduce the county budget by at least 5 percent.
Froze our county tax levy every year she has been in office
Enacted a 4-payment property tax system during COVID. Fighting to make it permanent next year
Eliminated the Recorder of Deeds Department saving taxpayers $180,000
Refused pressure to increase the salaries of elected officials
Introduced a $500 property tax rebate for electric car buyers
Saved taxpayers $11 million eliminating capitol projects in the county budget
Rooting out wasteful spending in Lake County government
Leadership Means Taking Decisive Action. That’s what Marah did. She:
Created call centers staffed by volunteers that registered thousands of residents for vaccine appointment
Worked with County staff to establish vaccine triage centers and distribution that delivered 437,000 vaccines to our community
Circulated $153 million in emergency funds to residents in need
Released $16.6 million in funds to small businesses impacted by the shut down
Relieved residents of their property taxes by establishing a 4 pay period system during the Pandemic
Marah has a plan to Fight Global Climate Change and Keep Lake County Green
Making Our County a Model For Green Energy
A founder of the Vernon Township Green Energy Commission, Marah is working to bring Federal funds to our community to convert us to solar and thermal energy sources​
Introduced a bill to create a $500 property tax rebate to purchase an electric vehicle
Making Our Community Greener​
Fighting to assure that the former Rt. 83 Expansion lands become green space​
Acquired dozens of square miles of county parkland
Holding polluters responsible for contaminating our community
Supports investing in green jobs, power alternatives, and a zero-waste plan for the County
Protect our Environment
Reduce Traffic Congestion
Opposed to expansion of development that will cause more traffic and flooding
Didier Farm Development
Opposed to expansion of unnecessary and environmentally unsound housing
Opposed to building on Buffalo Grove Golf Course
Supports Metra Plan
Working to lessen traffic congestion
Traffic congestion has been growing in our community over the last 20 years. The problem continues to increase, hurting our property values, air quality, and using up our valuable time.
Marah is a longtime pro-choice advocate. With Roe v. Wade constitutional rights under attack by right-wing extremists, Marah will work to protect a woman’s right to choose at every level of government.
The Lake County Health Department is the largest provider of reproductive services in Lake County and Marah introduced legislation to assure that these services are protected.
Circulated $16.6 million in Federal funds to small businesses impacted by the Pandemic
Fighting to reduce government red tape that restricts business growth
Supports a strong downtown Long Grove and Prarie View
Advocates for the creation of a downtown Buffalo Grove
Fighting for small business is fundamental. Marah’s beliefs. As a small businessowner, Marah knows the challenges they face during this economic crisis. She will fight to protect their interests.
Support Small Business
Supports sensible gun control
Fighting for background checks to purchase a gun
Advocates a ban on military-style automatic weapons
Prohibit parents from co-signing for a juvenile's gun permit
Hiring 100 new Sheriff's Deputies
Increasing training to prevent and respond to mass shootings
New vehicles
A new state-of-the-art portable police operations unit
A new surveillance van
A new patrol boat
Increased training so our officers are prepared for every situation
Our County Sheriff’s department needs the staff, equipment and training to protect us. That’s why Marah’s been fighting to equip our officers with: